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Day of Remembrance
Reflection of self
Moonlight Flower

2007 Transgender Day of Remembrance -
The link to my 2007 DOR comic

Reflection of self -
I originally thought up the concept of this image as a part of the title bar of my web comic. However, at this current point in time, it is one of my best pieces of work to date (even though I have made a few glaring mistakes on it.) As the title states, this image is a representation of Jason/Amy's soul. On the outside 'he' seems normal, however he is frowning, while his reflection is clearly female and the smile on her face indicates she is happy.

Moonlight Flower-
A picture of Moonlight Flower. I like it *grins*


Fly Moonlight Flower

Moonlight Flower-
This is A pic of Moonlight Flower in the heat of battle. Doesn't she look coolies? hehehe ^_^

Copyright 2007 Melissa Darkshore.
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