Inconsistency sucks
I have been practicing my drawing quite a bit recently despite my ever increasing depression and a few other issues I am having problems with. I am unsure about my drawings though. Oh as you have seen I have become a lot better recently, but I am having trouble being consistent with new character designs and such.
Consistency is an important issue. I have realized I should have worked more thoroughly on my old strips, so that’s a good thing. Unfortunately like I said I can’t drawing consistent. For example on a new character I have been working on my first drawing looks almost perfect, no matter how many times I look at it I can’t see any flaws, and a few of my works are becoming this quality level. But this is the exception, not the rule. My drawings tend to turn out all over the place and it makes it difficult designing a new character if each refinement I do to it doesn’t turn out correct. I can only hope that when I start posting again I will have resolved this issue.
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